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Headshot Tips: 6 Suggestions for how to look your best

Having your photograph taken can strike fear into a lot of people. I am here to tell you there is nothing to worry about and offer a few Headshot and Portrait Photography Tips to ensure your session is a success.

Below are a few suggestions to make sure you look your best. What’s more, you can do these things even before you step in front of the camera.

Tip 1 – Get a Good night’s sleep the night before

One or two extra hours of sleep can make all the difference. You’ll wake up with a spring in your step, have reduced bags under your eyes, and generally feel better and more positive

All this will help you look happier, more relaxed and more positive the next day

Portrait Photography Tips, headshot photography tips, headshot photography

Tip 2 – What do you Wear?

Is this a corporate headshot? Just pretend I am your most important ‘potential’ client and you want to dress to impress. What would you wear if you were meeting them for the first time?

Are you an actor? Are you going for a particular role or a particular genre? Wear something that reflects this.

You probably wouldn’t wear a creased shirt or casual top. We may only be doing a Headshot, but it will show in the photograph if you haven’t made an effort.

Plain tops are best, avoid patterns. If we have already discussed your backdrop to match your brand (which is highly likely) then try to wear something that makes you the focus, like a contrasting colour or shade.

One of my Headshot Tips is, that if you only wear glasses intermittently, perhaps you shouldn’t wear them for the Headshot Photo. If you do remove them, make sure you have time for any marks on your face to recover, like those little red dents you get on either side of your nose.

Tip 3 – Stay Hydrated. Drink water on the run-up to your Headshot or Portrait Session

It varies for men and women, but we are advised to drink around 3 litres of water a day. Among other things, (according to this article) this can help improve your skin tone, reduce puffiness, and give you tighter skin.

Tip 4 – Make Up

What I am about to say goes after researching the web, and gleaning this info from Makeup and other sites. Below are some basics, but feel free to research yourself.

Avoid Makeup with an SPF. These are often designed to reflect light and could result in your skin looking shinier in the photographs.

The foundation should match the colour of the neck, otherwise, it could look obvious and unnatural.

This is a great website/resource to investigate further. Take a look, but don’t forget to read the below headshot photography tips first!

Tip 5 – Pack an Umbrella!

If you have to travel to the place of your headshot, take an umbrella!

The last thing you want to do is leave the house looking perfect and get caught out by a sudden downpour that ruins your hair.

Tip 6 – Take a Clothes Brush!

I usually take one or have one in the Studio, but it is always wise to perhaps have something with you just in case.

Good lighting, with today’s high resolution, modern cameras can show up every bit of dust, especially if you are wearing dark colours.

It certainly saves me a lot of work afterwards!

Tip 7 – Have FUN!

I get that having your photo taken can be a bit scary, and make many people nervous.

It’s easy to say, but try to relax and have fun. Hopefully, these Headshot and Portrait Photography Tips have helped. I will do my best to make you as relaxed as possible, and will never rush you to get the shot.


Having your photo taken can be a bit intimidating for those of us who are not used to it. But the bottom line is, you realise the need to get. professional headshot photo. You know it is essential to make that impression.

Put your faith in your photographer, and let them get the image.

I hope this was useful, and good luck!