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Tips and How To’s

Headshot photographer

Why do I need a Professional Headshot? 7 Reasons

A Professional Headshot is very popular in places like Linked In and Social Media Channels. It is a photograph of you, usually from the chest up, that can be used to immediately identify you. Most online Profile photographs are not very big, so a full-length photograph will not identify...

Canon R6 Custom Shooting Modes for Video

There has been a lot of chatter online about the Canon R6 Custom Shooting Modes for Video. Or rather the lack of them. Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means we will earn a small commission on the products or services you purchase using the links. There is no...

Headshot Tips: 6 Suggestions for how to look your best

Having your photograph taken can strike fear into a lot of people. I am here to tell you there is nothing to worry about and offer a few Headshot and Portrait Photography Tips to ensure your session is a success. Below are a few suggestions to make sure you look your best. What’s...

Shutter Speed Aperture and ISO – Camera Basics

Today’s post is all about Shutter Speed Aperture and ISO, which are the three main elements and the camera basics in getting the correct exposure. We are getting out of Auto mode and taking control of your camera. If you have an even exposure, but you adjust one, then to keep that...