The Canon RF 100mm Macro is not just great for Macro, but it is also amazing for Portraits! I admit, I initially bought this for Macro when I am out doing any Outdoor Photography, but, the focal length and Aperture mean it would be great for portraits.
Thoughts on the Canon RF 100mm Macro
This is an L lens, which is one of Canon’s Pro line up, and the build quality is as you would expect.

It is a solid lens, feels good in the hand, and well built. Of course, it has the usual control ring on the end, which I keep promising myself I will utilise, but haven’t done so far.
The filter size is 67mm, so the only RF L lens I have, that isn’t a 77mm filter size. First off, this is not an issue, but if I wanted to use filters on it, I would need an adapter ring or a new set of filters.
There is of course a Focus ring, but obviously no zoom ring, as this is a fixed, 100mm lens. There is another ring on the barrel, which is Canon’s SA Control Ring.
Another video/article is coming on this soon, so why not sign up to my ‘Exposure Monthly’ Newsletter? Once a month you get direct links to any videos, and articles I may have published.
The Video
Here is a video of me out In The Field when we took the photos. Why not give that a watch, and follow on over on my YouTube Channel?
Check out the video made, while out In The Field with Max, shooting portraits in the forest.
The Photos – All Portraits are Shot with the Canon RF 100mm
A little bit of background on these shoots. I went out with Max, to a location near the house. We just went for wander around, and take some portraits with the Canon RF 100mm.
Every photo I set up is shown below, and I have given you my thoughts on the photo.
I am showing you the good, the bad and the ugly. So bear that in mind when looking at the photos.
Image number 1

An average start. Nothing jumps out at me saying it is great, but there is nothing I really hate. I guess if I had to pick something, it would be the bright sky on either side and around the top of Max’s head
Image Number 2

I do not like this one, and if you watch the video, I mentioned it in the video, (excuse the bad audio). The bright light on the side of his face is not good. I could have moved him slightly, but I think he was just in the wrong position, so we moved on to the next spot.
Image Number 3

This is my favourite so far.
Half-decent lighting, perhaps except for the highlight on the left side of his face. Nice separation from the background, and a natural smile.
Definitely the best one so far.
Image Number 4

Another half-decent one, although the trunk of the left is distracting. If I crop this out, he becomes too full in the frame for me. I do like the one where you see more of the environment he is in.
Image Number 5

Not the worst and not the best.
Nothing I love or hate about it, so we can move on.
Image Number 6

Max picked this location, and while there is nothing of interest around him, I quite like the way the Black and White works here, but again, it is not one I would rate too highly
Image Number 7

This one I do like.
I like the way the path drops down, I picked this particular spot because of this, I also like the way we can see the path wind off into the distance.
In terms of lighting, we were dealing in inches here, as you can see his back foot is in the sun, but his body isn’t. That is thanks to strategic placing in the shadow of the tree that is out of shot to his left.
Image Number 8

This is another favourite.
Looking at the first two, the left and the middle one.His head isn’t central to the trees behind, and I think that would have bugged me had I not reshot it, which is did. this image is the right hand side one.
I do prefer the angle and the positioning of the right side image, but another slight adjustment would have perhaps corrected the right elbow impeding the trunk.
Or perhaps I am being too picky!!
Image Number 9

This is my favourite of the whole shoot.
The colours, the tone, the location. It feels like we could be in another place, and not in a forest in England. I like the way there are a few branches encroaching on his jumper, but they are not providing too much of a distraction.
I also like the way his head is just about framed by the darker background, so it is not too busy behind his face.
Image Number 10

I shot two here, from different angles. One with his head just above the tree line. The line of bricks here, draws the eye into the subject, which then transfers to the diagonals on his leg and arm, leading to his face.
Here is the second one, with his head below the tree line.

When reviewing these, I do like the one with his head above the tree line, as in this one, the background was a distraction, but perhaps the image is saved when converted to black and white.
Image Number 11

You can see on this one where Max’s head is framed by the tree trunk. I was conscious of the gap in the trunks being off putting.
The gap in the trees is perhaps a distraction, but not as much as it could’ve been, had it been directly behind his head.
Image Number 12

If you watched the video, you will hear that I hate this one. Max’s environment is way to busy. The light is too harsh, and there is way too much contrast in the bushes and leaves.
It is just not a great photo, but you learn by doing, and by making mistakes!
Image Number 13

I was worried the back light may ruin this, but it didn’t ruin it as much as I thought it might, and perhaps I could have got a better composition if I’d taken a bit more time, but I didn’t, and that’s the way it goes sometimes.
But, it is certainly not the worst of the day
Image Number 14

I think with Max being framed by the trunk again, it borders him better than if it was high contrast leaves and bushes behind him.
I think, having the tree directly behind Max helps, but at this point, I think we may have exhausted all the option on a short walk here
Final Thoughts on the Canon RF 100mm for Portraits
There was a lot to go through there, so thank for taking the time to read, and watch the video if you did. A massive hats off if you are still here at the end.
Final thoughs are, there are some in there I really like, and others not so much, mainly due to thinking a composition was good in my head, when in reality, it was executed how id imagine, but something prevented it from being a good shot.
Lighting, or back ground, or just a rubbish set up. My favourite is definitely number 9.
Thank you for reading.